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holy scripture in Chinese

How to pronounce "holy scripture""holy scripture" in a sentence"holy scripture" meaning

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  • [网络] 圣经;圣言;圣洁雕像


  • Q . 3 what is the benifit of holy scripture to christians
  • He reads the holy scripture everyday
  • This is why we must not stop meditating and studying the holy scriptures
  • In his celebrated work, the " chaking " ( the holy scripture of tea ) he formulated the code of tea
  • A lesson repeated over and over again in the holy scriptures that all of the armies in the world cannot defeat the power of god
  • Or even completely digest any information harmful to our body and mind . this is why we must not stop meditating and studying the holy scriptures
  • Like all village girls she was well grounded in the holy scriptures, and had dutifully studied the histories of aholah and aholibah, and knew the inferences to be drawn therefrom
  • Note : a mission statement is a comprehensive description of the meaning and parameters of ministry, based upon the holy scriptures . it gives us the big picture of our purpose
  • We believe the holy scriptures to be the inspired word of god, which is pure and inerrant, the word of life, the way of salvation, full of power and authority, and it is our guide to faith and practice
  • We believe the holy scriptures, both old and new testaments, is the inspire word of god, the complete revelation of his will for the salvation of men, and the divine and final authority for all christian faith and life
  • More examples:  1  2

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What is the meaning of holy scripture in Chinese and how to say holy scripture in Chinese? holy scripture Chinese meaning, holy scripture的中文holy scripture的中文holy scripture的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.